About the Founder

Seraina Peter: The Woman Behind the Brand
A love of beautiful things and a staunch belief in the exceptional design and quality of products from her native Switzerland are what prompted Seraina Peter to start her Swiss-centric online retail hub Helvetia and Sons.
"I'm an ambassador for all my products," she says of her fledgling company. "They are all hand-picked and I personally ideated and curated the selection of Swiss products, first only for the Singaporean market but now also for the Swiss market."
There are many reasons why today’s entrepreneurs are heading online to present their goods and ideas. In Seraina’s case, it is about showing a completely different side to Switzerland: to showcase other items beloved by Swiss nationals in their home country and which she wants to share with potential customers within Southeast Asia.
“I want to introduce to the world a young, thoroughly modern Switzerland with a prosperous design scene,” she says. “I want to show the world that there is more to Swiss products than the usual items that most people know; to give our visitors a closer look at Swiss culture in the 21st century; and to give them a deeper understanding of the Swiss way of life as well as our longstanding commitment to comfort and quality.”
Her can-do attitude combined with natural charm, tact, a mind open to possibilities, and a strong belief in the products she chooses personally for her online retail hub are what can easily be considered her formula for success. The fact that she has lived in Asia for the better part of a decade also means that she is clued in on the tastes of the regional market and is, thus, able to stay abreast of trends to know what goods to bring into the region.
Seraina is no stranger to working with world-class brands. Prior to founding Helvetia and Sons, she had a sterling career in the international tech industry as a communications leader handling various aspects of corporate communications for several multinational corporations.
An alumna of the University of Zurich, Seraina prides herself on being a working mother who loves to travel and experience new places and cultures - qualities that embody the soul of her brand: an international mindset with a Swiss heart and a dedication to offering her target market the very best.