American Thanksgiving falls on 25 November this year, so the annual retail bonanzas we know as Black Friday (26 November) and Cyber Monday (29 November) are two particular events that many bargain hunters are looking forward to. November is also when Asia's biggest shopping platforms all bust out the discounts on 11/11.
We don't participate in Black Friday
But what about smaller grassroots enterprises who work from small boutiques or online stores which cater to specific markets? Back in 2010, cause-oriented groups in Boston, MA decided to give these smaller players a leg-up through the Small Business Saturdays initiative. Held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving – 27 November this year – Small Business Saturday aims to encourage consumers to shop with micro, small-, and medium-scale enterprises (MSMEs) to help them grow their respective businesses and build awareness regarding artisanal brands and products.
The difference is that Small Business Saturday participants may offer promotions but not necessarily discounts. This is meant to show that they are different from mass-production companies, emphasising quality over quantity, expert craftsmanship, and the use of very good materials. Sustainability and upholding local and regional traditions are also part of the equation and essentially show shoppers that there is certainly more to retail than the things you find off the rack or in the discount bins of your local superstore or department store.
As a participant for Small Business Saturday, we at Helvetia and Sons champion smaller brands from our home country Switzerland that uphold the highest standards of craftsmanship, quality, sustainability, and durability. We believe in educating our customers regarding the high standards that Swiss creators and manufacturers adhere to and have adhered to for decades or even centuries. While we know our products cost somewhat higher than most things you can buy at a department store, these are of a superior quality and are bound to satisfy and please those who buy them for a long time. And that, we feel, is what truly matters.
Our SBS Promotion: Purchase Glus Gift
All orders* on the weekend of Nov 27/28 receive a mini Tiger Shoe Key Holder as a THANK YOU and special pre-Christmas gift. These little shoes are handmade and not available for purchase. So make sure you will get one when you shop with us on Small Business Saturday! ( * as long as stock is available)

As always: So much more from Switzerland!