We may still be in the middle of Spring (Easter being around the corner!), but Soeder’s Hinoki Yuzu fragrance is just the thing to put you in the mood for the coming summer months

Is there anything that evokes summer more than a tall, frosty glass of freshly squeezed lemonade? The fragrance alone helps to refresh at the height of the hot months and the taste is enough to awaken senses dulled by the heat. But while lemon is certainly a scent to treat your senses to, its Oriental counterpart, yuzu, is more beneficial, serving to calm both mind and body.
If the word sounds familiar, you may have already encountered it as a component of ponzu, that bright-tasting condiment of soy and yuzu citron juice served at some Japanese restaurants, or in the form of a sweet, citrusy drink served by Taiwanese and Korean tea shops.
Yuzu citron (Citrus junos) is native to Japan and China and has long been a component for many edible and inedible ways to refresh and revive the senses in extremely warm weather. While the pulp of the fruit is incredibly sour and cannot be eaten as is, its juice and thick, aromatic peel are used for a number of culinary applications, particularly in sauces, confections, and beverages.
But the use of yuzu goes beyond the culinary aspect; indeed, it is the source of a popular essential oil used in aromatherapy. If you have been feeling incredibly antsy and anxious because of all the unusual and disturbing events happening around you, aromatherapy and wellness experts recommend diffusing yuzu oil either through reeds or a burner to help clear your mind and calm your nerves.

But one particular benefit that yuzu has on your health has to do with your skin - and that’s where Soeder’s latest soap scent - Hinoki Yuzu - comes in.
Relax, Refresh, Rejuvenate
Yuzu extract has high antioxidant properties, especially when applied to one’s skin, allowing it to recover properly from oxidative stress. This gives skin regularly washed with a yuzu-infused soap a healthy glow and a more youthful appearance.

When paired with hinoki - Japanese cypress - as in Soeder Hinoki Yuzu, you get the pleasing experience of getting your mind refreshed from the day’s cares while allowing your skin to heal and be revived. Now that is a gift we’d love to get for Easter!
Soeder’s Hinoki Yuzu soap is exclusively available in Singapore via Helvetia and Sons >> Click here to buy